Michael Saunders
Michael Saunders has been discovering novel drugs and selecting therapeutic targets for 25 years, and joined argenx in 2009. At argenx he has been responsible for External Research and the Innovative Access Program, Target Selection, has contributed to the discovery of six antibodies in clinical and preclinical development, and is responsible for academic collaborations and Alliance Management with Pharma partners. He has written and obtained 5 Research Grants (>12M€). Previously, Michael Saunders working for Ablynx NV as an independent senior interim project director leading the successful Nanobody Landgrab program selecting 100 therapeutic targets, and resulting in the identification of Nanobodies of therapeutic relevance against these targets, 20 patent applications, 4 internal drug development programs and 5 scientific publications. Previously he worked at Devgen and GSK. Michael Saunders holds at MA from Cambridge University (UK), a PhD in Biology from the University North Carolina (USA) and an eMBA from ESSEC (France) and Mannheim (Germany) business schools.